About us
Caffè Armeno
The coffee of Parma and its people
Caffè Armeno’s story is one of those which started somewhat by chance and luck in a small workshop on the outskirts of Parma in the 1950s. Back then, they used to work materials such as iron and wood there, but then a bright idea led the founders to turn their craftsmanship to coffee roasting, filling the entire area with fragrances and aromas. They fell in love with this warm, energetic drink. They fell in love with these beans which are all the same yet so different.
They got to work and there was a buzz in the 50s and 60s; the pace of life became increasingly hectic and Italians crowded into coffee bars to drink an espresso on their way to work. This is how Caffè Armeno’s story began, initially only working with a few coffee varieties and then, over the years, increasingly honing the art of blending to create different blends. They put their heart and soul into their coffee - it could not be any other way. Over the years and after various phases, Caffè Armeno still roasts the best coffee beans from all around the world and creates the best blends, offering yet another symbol of Parma making a name for itself in the world of food on the international scene.

If coffee is art, we are masters
Caffè Armeno is a dynamic and innovative company which employs the most up-to-date energy-saving technologies
and an environmentally low-impact roasting process, guaranteeing a high quality product while safeguarding the environment.
The “Parma Roasting” process with its exclusive recipe, provides a distinctive flavour with a few notes of chocolate for finer palates, thanks to the skilful blend of Arabica and Robusta beans.
Good coffee roasted the traditional way
Caffè Armeno is Espresso the Parma way, a guarantee of quality dedicated to the city that created it, because it can only be the best when love is involved, and this is a love story inspired by a good cup of coffee.

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