Universal water softener – Oscar 60
OSCAR is an innovative anti-scale system for small hot beverage dispensers (capsule and pod coffee machines) for household and office use.
Exploiting the osmotic principle of saline solutions, it removes calcium and magnesium ions from the water, which are responsible for incrustations in boilers and heat exchangers.
Suitable for machines for DOMESTIC use, with a small water tank (typical of capsule or pod machines).
1) Remove Oscar from the outer bag
2) Wet under cold water
3) Place in the bottom of the tank and fill the tank
4) Replace after 12 months or after 100 litres of treated water
Working temperature from 5C° to 40C°.
Bacteriostatic resin.
Litres treated (at 20°f) 100. FDA-certified.

Idee e Suggerimenti
– non conservare in casa le capsule umide, odoranti e ammuffite
– riutilizza il caffè come concime naturale
– riutilizza le capsule per realizzare piccoli oggetti
– risparmia sullo svuotamento del bidone del secco
Guarda il video qui
1. APRI: posiziona e ruota la capsula per tagliare la pellicola
2. SVUOTA: svuota la capsula con l’apposita punta estraibile
3. RICICLA: ricicla separatamente capsule e contenuto
Piccolo, pratico, lavabile in lavastoviglie.